Monday, August 11, 2008

The origin of the Xbox 360 Red Light Error

Do you want to know why you are getting the Xbox 360 Red Light Error?Ever since the Xbox 360 was released the system is subject to a number of technical problems that can cause the system to be unusable. A majority of these problems can be identified as hardware problems. Sources suggest that Xbox 360 consoles fail early in their life span because of flaws in the system design, parts supply, and manufacturing issues. However, whatever the issue may be the problem can be fixed with just the proper knowledge. There is a list of Xbox 360 Repair guides that can be found and reviewed here
Xbox 360 Repair Guides

It usually takes 4-6 weeks for Microsoft to process the repairs for your console. First you will have to wait for a prepaid shipping box. Then once you ship it out it takes a week to arrive at Microsoft repair stations. From my experience you will most likely not recieve back your original console. They will leave a note saying that your original console could not be fixed and they will offer you a refurbrished console. Awesome! Not really, you are pretty much getting someone else's old and used console. Probably a old Xbox 360 Red Light Error waiting to happen again.

If you want to save yourself the headache and you have no warranty then I suggest reading up on various repair guides the internet has to offer. When my Xbox 360 console had its 2nd Red Light Error I had no choice but to fix it myself or buy a new console. (As by this time I was no longer under warranty)

If you want to learn how to fix your Xbox 360 problems please refer to this bonus review guide on how to fix Xbox 360. Xbox 360 Repair Guide

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