Friday, July 25, 2008

If your experiencing Xbox 360 Red Light Error

If your experiencing and Xbox 360 Red Light Error you may notice a few things. Your Xbox 360 console might have just 3 lights lit up in red color opposed to the 4 lights that are suppose to be green. Your console might even freeze and not play games properly. And you might also get a black screen with a message in 4 languages telling you what type of Xbox 360 error you have. The Xbox 360 errors are labled by numbers and each code could be the cause of one of many problems.

Lets start with a few trouble shooting techniques you can do on your own. First locate your power supply and check to see if the light on the power supply is red or green. If the light on the power supply is green then the power supply is in good condition. If the power supply light is red then you might need a new Xbox 360 power supply.

So, you have a good power supply if the light is green. Then that means its your console that is having the problems. Check to see how hot your console is, your Xbox 360 might not have good ventilation. Lack of air to your Xbox 360 console will cause it to burn out. Let's try unplugging your Xbox 360 console from the power supply and let it sit for a few minutes. Plug everything back in and load your Xbox 360. If you get the main menu then thats good, now lets play a game. Put in your favorite Xbox 360 game. Play it for half an hour and see if it freezes. If the game freezes then the issue is far more complicated then what you can expect.

If any of these do it yourself solutions don't work then you have a few options to get your Xbox 360 fixed.

1) Trade in your Xbox 360 for a new one, which I don't recommend cause you'll be wasting money this way. But, if your rich then go ahead.

2) Call Microsoft and see if they can do a free repair for you. Microsoft will repair the early generation Xbox 360 consoles for free. They will send you a prepaid box so you don't have to pay for shipping. But, the downfall is you might have to wait 4-6 weeks to get your console back. If you can live that long without your Xbox 360 then go ahead. Also if your Xbox 360 is not under their warranty then you might have to pay a pretty penny for it to get fixed.

3) There are repair guides that are inexpensive on the internet which will show you step-by-step on how to get your Xbox 360 console back in working order. This will eliminate any Xbox 360 Red Light Error that you might experience. The guides are inexpensive and are worth their value in gold. You will get it fixed within hours and won't have to deal with down time if you decide to do it yourself. This is the best option.

If you are experiencing and Xbox 360 Red Light Error don't freak out. It could be of one of many reasons which can be fixed easily. Please read up on the Xbox 360 Red Light Error Repair Guide in this following link to read the reviews Xbox 360 Repair Guide

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